These shades complete the color expert’s creative palette, expanding the options to fully customize color for every client’s unique needs. They also create vibrant, avant-garde designs to showcase an artist’s skill and imagination. 2-in-1 tonal amplifier and highlighter featuring Color Bond Technology that can mix with Color Fusion shades. Use as an amplifier to boost tonal intensity of Color Fusion shades (level 1-10) or alone to create vibrant highlights.
How To
Hi-Fusion (as an amplifier). Mix 1:1. 35-45 minutes. Use this ration to help maintain the proper balance of Hi-Fusion and Color Fusion dyes: 1/4 oz. Hi-Fusion + 1 3/4 oz. Color Fusion. Color tone and longevity may be compromised otherwise. No heat
Hi-Fusion (as a highlighter) Mix 1:1, 35-45 minutes. Hi-Fusion is not recommended to be used alone for all-over color applications. Tonal highlighter for off-scalp only. No heat
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High Fusion
Redken - Color Fusion
2-in-1 tonal amplifier and highlighter, featuring Color Bond Technology that can mix with Color Fusion shades.
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